Friday, May 18, 2007

5000 participants in over 20 countries

about Script Frenzy | Your ticket to creative adventure

from my email:-

Dear Script Frenzy Participant,

Greetings! From time to time, we'll be sending you missives about major new site features that have launched, cool things afoot in the Script Frenzy universe, and, in June, some pep-talking from the scriptwriting front.

We know that your inbox is overcrowded, so we'll keep the emails infrequent and essential.

Which brings us to the great news at hand: Script Frenzy regions are up! This means that you now have your very own regional lounge on the Script Frenzy site where you can exchange advice and encouragement with participants in your area. You can also find out about the Script Frenzy kick-off parties and write-ins being organized by our awesome group of Municipal Liaisons.

To join the merriment in your region, just log in and head to the My Script Frenzy page. In the left-hand navigation, you'll see "Regions" (it's below "My Community" and above "Subscriptions"). Pick the region that's the best fit for you, and click "subscribe," then confirm that you want to subscribe to that region.

Life at this point becomes much more interesting. You can subscribe to as many regions as you like, and you can visit the lounges under the separate "My Regions" block in the left-hand navigation of the My Script Frenzy page. For each region you subscribe to, you'll receive notices from Municipal Liaison/s about events and get-togethers, and have the opportunity to get to know fellow Frenzies in the area as well.

If this sounds confusing, don't worry---it'll all make sense once you see it. Just log in and head on over to My Script Frenzy. Eventually, we're going to append all the regional lounges onto the bottom of the Forums, so they'll all exist in one convenient place. For now, your regional lounge awaits.

In other news, Script Frenzy is on the grow! We have more than 5000 participants signed up in over 20 countries, with more coming in every hour. The more writers we have, the more raucously fun June will be. (And the more people you know personally who are taking part in the adventure, the easier time you'll have staying focused on your scripty epic when June's sweet summery distractions loom.)

Which is why we're encouraging everyone this week to reach out to that creative soul in their cubicle, classroom, or family tree who could use an imagination-expanding summer challenge. We're setting a goal of having 10,000 writers rampaging---er, typing---through the streets of Script Frenzy by next Thursday.

Can we do it? With your help, we can. We'll be posting the total number of participants on the front page of the site every day from now until Thursday.

See you in the Forums!

Script Frenzy

script frenzy - Google Search


Anonymous said...

Hi Hugh!

Nice Script Frenzy site! Got you linked to my SF site, too.

Good luck in June!

Sya said...

I'm just sort of amazed with the stats. Over 5000 already? That's way more then when Nanowrimo just started out.